Exciting News

I have to admit, calling this “news” is a bit of a stretch, since I’ve been sort-of-not-really sitting on this piece of information for a few months.  But I’ve never formally announced it on my blog, and so I figured I should do so.

PROOF BY SEDUCTION will not be my publishing debut.

There.  I’ve said it.

HQN has asked me to participate in a Christmas-themed anthology for 2009, and so my offical debut will be a novella that I am writing for that collection.  The other novellas will be from Mary Balogh and Nicola Cornick (they are, I think, previously published novellas for the other two authors–when I have more details, I’ll let you know.)  It should be released in October of 2009.

As for my little novella….  well, if you want to find out more details, you’ll just have to come back and see what you get, right?

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