In more boring news…

I have no illusions that this has anything to do with me, but the anthology The Heart of Christmas has landed at #94 on the USA Today list.

20 thoughts on “In more boring news…

  1. YAY COURTNEY!!! You must be soooo excited. This is awesome news for a debut!!!!!

    Dude, forget who it’s all about, you are a USA Today best selling author!!!SQUEEEE!!!!

  2. I *told* you!!!!

    Congratulations!!! This is so, so exciting!!! As far as I’m concerned, it is ALL about you! I’m verklempt. Would write more, but am at park. Love you!!!

  3. Whether you have anything to do with it or not, it will likely have MUCH to do with Proof by Seduction’s success in January :).

    Congrats. You are are “bestselling author.”

  4. That is a wonderful thing to hear on a grey, rainy afternoon. Much well-deserved success to you, oh, and your co-authors! Congrats.

  5. Hurray! And even though Balogh’s name–and Cornick’s–contributed to this success, just think how many readers have been introduced to Courtney Milan and will be eager to read Proof by Seduction. Cause to celebrate, I think.

  6. Wow! Your debut hit the USA today!!! Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my own copy 🙂

  7. I *knew* this would happen!!! I love being right when it means great things for wonderful people. Can’t wait to celebrate my awesome fortune telling skills. (And your smashing success!)

  8. But Courtney!
    I read the one review of the anthology on The reviewer gave the book three stars, and also discussed each of the novellas.
    And Courtney, I think all those stars were for you.

    Major congrats!

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