
So: It is the end of November. That means two things.

First, tonight–in fact, in a scant few hours–there will be a book club chat at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, where people will be talking about Unclaimed. The book clubs are usually pretty awesomely lively. If you’ve never done one, you’ll really enjoy it. Link here. I’ll be joining in at 10 PM EST, but the chat starts at 9 PM EST. I can’t wait to talk to everyone about it yet!

Second, it is the end of November…and there is no Unraveled yet.

I’m sorry.

There’s no good answer for this, except that I’m obviously not very good at determining when things get done. These last few months have also had me busier with non-writing things than usual for a variety of reasons, none of which are interesting, not even to me. 🙂

But it’s close. It’s really close. It’s so close that I could upload a copy right now, and the difference between this version and the final version would be small–maybe 1%. But that 1% would include typos and some rough edges that needed to be smoothed, and a handful of extraneous sentences that I really don’t need–that kind of thing.

It will be soon. It will be as fast as I can possibly manage. And I promise that as soon as it’s available, I will let everyone know. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!

7 thoughts on “eek!

  1. Take your time on Unraveled. I just finished Unclaimed and was shocked at how good it was and the excellent themes that it got into. This can only be the result of care and forethought.

    I had been skeptical about Unclaimed, but after reading, I read the back cover description again and it was still bland compared to the actual book. I am so glad that I bought it. Welcome to my trusted author club!

  2. I have just gone through a triathalon with your books Courtney, reading Unveiled, Proof by Seduction, and Unclaimed in rapid succession (okay it really took 9 days). You are a tremendously talented writer and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to enjoy your books. I loved Mark Turner – such a refreshingly unique character. Gareth Blakley is also a favorite. Good luck on your deadline!

  3. Can’t wait! It’s going to be my end-of-finals treat to myself. Well, that and an awesome massage to relieve the muscles in my back. But after that? Laying on my couch and enjoying Unraveled. You’re my new favorite author!

  4. Don’t worry about it. All of us who want to read your book will want to read it whenever it comes out. Don’t spoil your life just because of a deadline.

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