For Golden Heart Finalists

The Golden Network has asked me to give a talk on self-publishing to their members at RWA nationals. I’m trying to make that talk as informative and open (and as non-judgey) as possible. I want to compile some data about how Golden Heart finalists who have self-published have fared.

There are a few reasons to think that Golden Heart finalists might do differently than the average self-publisher. First, the contest is very competitive, and so people who final in the Golden Heart are usually at a high level of craft. Second, Golden Heart classes often form e-mail loops, where people are willing to talk business, and so they often have access to people with advice and knowledge.
I want to see if these two factors will have an impact on earnings.

If you answer these questions, I promise that I will not reveal your personal data or your sales to anyone. With the exception of question 7, any data I receive will be revealed only in the aggregate. (Please only answer question 7 if you’re willing to have that answer shared with a group.)

Indie Survey for Golden Heart finalists
Please return via e-mail to
1. What year(s) were you a Golden Heart finalist?
2. What categor(y|ies) did you final in?
3. How many times have you finaled in the Golden Heart?

4. Are you traditionally published?

4a. – If so, how many books have you traditionally published?

5. Are you indie published?
5a.  – If so, how many books have you indie published?
6. For each indie published book:
6a. How many copies have you sold of that book?
6b. How much money have you made on that book?

7. Is there any advice you’d like to give to Golden Heart finalists who haven’t published a book yet?

For those of you who are on a loop with your fellow Golden Heart finalists: Please feel free to copy & paste this and forward it to your GH class (assuming that nobody has done so yet).
Thank you all so much for your time and patience. In addition to presenting this data to the Golden Network, I will also present it on my blog.
Courtney Milan writes historical romances, which might lead people to think that she could be cool. In reality, she's about four different kinds of geeky. At present, this blog is where Courtney applies semi-dormant geek skills to publishing.

2 thoughts on “For Golden Heart Finalists

  1. Thank you for doing this! I know this information is going to be invaluable for many of us, and I for one will be happy to help. Do you have a deadline for when you’d like the data?

  2. We asked my publisher If they Could Discount The FiRst BOok In My Series To Drive Sales For The Last, But No Dice. My BookS Are Not Part Of The Test Marketing Strategy. RighT Now We Are Looking Into An Ebook Publisher.

    Sorry About The WIerd Font. Having Issues!

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